Get aligned on user research and journey mapping

Build great products with a customer-centric mindset. Use Lucidspark to collaborate throughout the user research process, share insights across teams, and keep everyone aligned.

Get started

Get product, UX, and engineering teams on the same page to better understand user wants and needs.

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The perfect toolkit for user research

A conceptual image showing various Lucidspark features, such as Frames, Visual Activities, project timelines, and the timer

Explore customer needs

Use visuals to gain a deeper understanding of your customers’ goals and pain points, then transform those insights into buyer personas that drive strategy and engagement.

A conceptual image showing data and feedback organized in Lucidspark

Map the customer journey

Create journey maps to see your product from the user’s point of view. Centralize all research and project documentation to make your analysis simple and effective.

A conceptual image showing sticky notes, emojis, freehand drawing, and collaborator cursors on a Lucidspark board

Facilitate efficient working sessions

Bring your team together to share ideas and identify gaps in the user experience. Use sticky notes, images, emojis, and more to make your sessions interactive and productive.

A conceptual image showing Visual Activities and commenting in Lucidspark

Align stakeholders

Leverage a shared visual workspace to brainstorm and take action on opportunities to improve the user experience. Use Visual Activities and voting to achieve consensus on next steps.

User research features in Lucidspark

Frames and Paths

Enable stakeholders to quickly move through content and easily formulate plans for customer retention.

Dynamic Table

Organize your research in a Dynamic Table so you can easily map dependencies and common themes.

Guest Collaborators

Add customers as Guest Collaborators to check your understanding of their needs and goals.

Embedded Links

Embed external documents from integrated apps in your Lucidspark boards to consolidate user research.

Visual Activities

Use Visual Activities as icebreakers in planning sessions or to get aligned on gaps and priorities.

Universal canvas

Quickly switch from Lucidspark to Lucidchart and utilize features that make your research actionable.

Additional resources

Lucid for product and UX article

See how Lucid uses Lucid to drive innovation for product and UX teams.

Lucid for user research video

Learn how Lucid uses Lucid to gather and understand customer feedback.

Research for product development

Discover the benefits of integrating user research into product development.

Get aligned on user research and journey mapping with Lucidspark

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