GIPHY reactions icebreaker
Start your meeting off right by team building through GIFs. Simply click the "image" icon in the Left Toolbar to find the perfect GIF reaction for every scenario. Try customizing the prompts for your team to guarantee some extra laughs!
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One of the best icebreakers for strategic planning sessions
Good rapport can transform a team. And it makes sense—people get more done when they’re working with people they get along with. Here’s the problem: It can take months, maybe longer, to help build authentic relationships within a team.
Enter strategic planning icebreakers. Strategic planning icebreakers are quick games or activities that can bring meetings to life, whether you’re meeting in person or remotely. Icebreaker templates help everyone get comfortable with each other and foster relationships between co-workers. For example, this icebreaker template is perfect for retrospective meetings. In short, they help build rapport.
Everyone loves a good GIF icebreaker. So why not take advantage of that fact and integrate GIFs into your next icebreaker? That’s exactly what the “what do you GIF?” icebreaker template does.How to use this GIPHY teamwork icebreaker template
In this icebreaker GIF game, team members take turns inserting ice breaking GIF reactions into a Lucidspark board using the GIPHY integration. Other players will then submit their best captions for the GIF. We recommend setting a timer for one minute to keep the game snappy. The team can then vote on their favorite caption using Lucidspark’s voting feature. And on to the next round!